October 19, 2004 - Tulsa, OK - The Green on the East End

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General Information

Date: October 19, 2004
Location: Tulsa, OK
Venue: The Green on the East End; Archer & Elgin, Tulsa, OK; U.S. [ Venue website ]
Box Office Number: 918-665-3131
Additional Info: This was for the Edge 104.5 Festival featuring 12 Stones, The Distillers, Blue October, Burden Brothers, The Music and Tulsa's own Upside!

Thanks to Mick Rockster for the poster scan.

Set List

  • Sucker Train Blues
  • Do it for the Kids
  • Headspace
  • Big Machine
  • Spectacle
  • Fall to Pieces
  • Superhuman
  • Set Me Free
  • It's So Easy
  • Sex Type Thing
  • Slither

Reviews (13) [ send in your own review/pictures of the Tulsa show ]

Thanks to Jennifer: The concert was so awsome. They really rocked. Someone threw a shoe and hit Slash in the face, he was so pissed. It was awesome!

Thanks to Wussy Vampire: Velvet Revolver was awesome! It's great we can get a band like them to play here in Tulsa. Slash was freaking bad ass! Guys your always welcome to come back to Tulsa! Not all Tulsans are shoe throwing assholes!! You've still got 5,000 friends who would love to see ya'll again!

Thanks to Josh V: I was able to catch the Tulsa show and score a front row spot in the crowd. My friend and I got there at 3:00pm and stood our ground until Velvet Revolver finished @ about 11:05pm. All I can say is that it was well worht it. Velvet Revolver fuckin rocks man!! I was not impressed with very many of the other bands...but Velvet Revolver was everything I expected plus more. Scott came out looking bad ass as usual and his stage theatrics were more entertaining than ever. Can't wish for much more but Crackerman would have been a delight as an encore. No frowns here though. I was right in front of Slash when he got hit with the shoe...it actual landed between his playing arm and guitar, as if he caught it...all over his strings. He just stopped playing for a second then casually tossed it off stage, mouthing the words "thank you" with a smile and continued. The shoe throwing was bullshit. Someone else threw a empty bottle of jack in the crowd and someone had a brilliant idea of putting a fucking steel trash can up to crowd-surf. Those ass-holes need to chill out, everyone there was just lookin to have a good time. If they don't like Velvet Revolver..then get the fuck out. I hope that the guys weren't too pissed off to come back to Oklahoma. I've seen many shows and this was by far the very best of my life. Thank you Velvet Revolver for coming to Oklahoma and playing an amazing show for us. Keep on playing mother fuckin' rock N' roll!!! You guys rock!!!!

Thanks to Raven's Chick: Hey I was not impressed with Velvet Revolver at Edgefest...I felt like they were up there trying to be like GN'R and Weiland sounded like crap trying to sing those original GN'R songs. No one can hit those high notes and sing the way Axl did on those old tunes. The only song I did enjoy was Fall To Pieces.

Thanks to Wade Youngblood: Great show Shinedown and Velvet Revolver kicked ass. Also to the idiot who threw the shoe at Slash. He can fuck off!

Thanks to Boz: My brother and I went to the Tulsa show. He came over from the UK after seeing them at Hammersmith, London. It was my first time seeing them and I was very impressed. It's been a long time since I've seen a band this tight and entertaining with such good songs. It was frigging cold, though that didn't matter once they got onstage. I had hoped they would play for longer, maybe they would have if it weren't for the shoe thrower (which was a girl). I thought they handled the situation very nicely though. It was great to hear It's So Easy again.

Thanks to Ronnie: It was a good show I am sorry that their was a bunch of punks there throwing shoes and being asses. I hope that Velvet Revolver comes back to Tulsa. Next time do the show at the convention center that is a few blocks away from Tues nights show.

Thanks to Velvet Revolver Freak: Perfect performance best concert Oklahomas ever seen and will ever see, Slash if you read this I saw the lady who threw the shoe and it was totally by accident and she was shocked when it hit you and she kinda ran away lol. But sorry for those 5 aholes, guys you still got 5000 friends here in Tulsa waiting ofr another show!! And once again awesome show!!!

Thanks to JK Mitchell: Seems like the band was looking for an excuse to cut the Tulsa show short. I never saw a shoe hit Slash, just a couple of shoes get tossed on stage, which Scott had to make a multitude of comments on. There were shoes flying around in the audience too. One hit me in the head, as well as a few crowd-surfing people. Although we didn't get to hear "Illegal" (no great loss there), "Crackerman" or "Mr. Brownstone," the show was great. The two Velvet Revolver hits-- "Slither" and "Fall to Pieces"--were especially good. Fall to Pieces is good because Slash, Duff, and Scott crunch close together in a Kiss-style lineup at the front of the stage almost looking like buddies and because it was the only moment in the show you could clearly hear Scott's vocals (which were completely inaudible in "Do It For the Kids"). Slither was great because Scott did dancing similar to the video, Slash did a great extended guitar solo and the song was preceded by a long intro which included Scott howling through some special effects. While I would have liked to have heard the band a little longer, especially after I skipped most of the crapper bands that preceded them at Tulsa's "Edgefest," it was a delight being able to stand within 20 feet of these living legends and to hear what was a great performance!

Thanks to Scottysixx: I was right up front behind the shoe thrower about 5 people. They did take a long time to hit the stage. After the Edge introduced them, everyone was getting a lil pissed chanting GNR and Slash!Slash! with some foul languge!! Everyone thought it was because of Weiland!!!Maybe not being there but once Slash and the band came out they yelled. Then everyone saw Scott and we went in a frenzy with big time yells, he looked awesome, moved great, the whole band moved great! Slash threatened to kick someone's butt, if they throw another shoe, Scott told em to keep their shoes, that they wasn't gd pantera!!! Duff looked cool, alot of crowd surfing and craziness!!! I give the perfomance a A, would love to give them a A+ but they didn't give us a encore...maybe cause they took a long time to get on stage, and curfew is at 11 or it was just getting to crazy. I don't know but a great rock show!!!!! m/ to Velvet Revolver.

Thanks to Jennifer B: It was so awesome, but they made us wait a really long time and Slash was hit with a shoe!

Thanks to Lynn Gin: Amazing! The climax of a great night. Slash was amazing, Scott was unforgetable. Even with some crowd heckeling the show was unbelievable. Five stars!

Thanks to Falcon: Saw the show in Tulsa, a very tight set by the guys for sure. The setlist was the same as New Orleans less the Aerosmith cover to close. The guys went on a bit after 10 PM and played til' straight up 11.

Good crowd for a cold Tuesday evening, 4 to 5 thousand strong. Highlight of the show for me was no doubt "Superhuman", it comes off much heavier in a live setting than on the record. Highlight for the crowd in general was without a doubt "Sex Type Thing" and "Slither" the crowd absolutely went nuts for both. Incredible
energy throughout the night from the band, Scott was note perfect and had the crowd eating out of his hands from the get-go. Slash was all smiles, running from side to side, standing on top of the monitors and drum riser, in total gutar hero mode the entire show.

Lowlight was due to some idiot who threw a shoe onstage, really pissed Slash off. Weiland took control of the situation by promising all access passes to any 5 people who fingered the culprit and got them to security. Sure enough, vigilante justice prevailed and the shoe thrower was nabbed, the show going on from there without a hitch.

All in all, a good show. They looked like a rock band should look, sounded heavy as hell with great sense of urgency about them and most importantly, are out there bringin' it to the people. Go see them if you get a chance.