December 13, 2004 - Hollywood, CA - Jimmy Kimmel Live

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General Information

Date: December 13, 2004
Location: Hollywood, CA
Venue: Jimmy Kimmel Live; El Capitan Entertainment Center, 6840 Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90028 [ Venue website ]
Box Office Number: (866)JIMMY TIX
Additional Info: Only Fall to Pieces was aired on tv.

Set List

  • Fall To Pieces
  • Sucker Train Blues
  • Do It For The Kids
  • Slither
  • Set Me Free

Reviews (3) [ send in your own review/pictures of the Hollywood show ]

Thanks to Wendybird: I had a blast, got there a little after 6. Saw a few friends I made from Selma and Ivar and the FTP Jay Leno taping, later cc4sc, and Ravens came in just in time for the sound check. In Utero joined us a bit later. I had to make a few trips to my car and every time I came back I saw kids running past me in excitement to catch part of the sound check. It was awesome to see how thrilled everyone was.

I stood in line multiple times for VR shows and I haven’t seen as much excitement since the Roxy show. It was wonderful. Later we where joined by Annie and her son. It was like a Roxy reunion. We were reminiscing a bit about all our VR adventures. Ravens spotted another fan that we never met but she seen at all the gigs. Jimmy and Ana Nicole were hilarious.

About the show, it freaking rocked. The only thing that could have possibly made it better was if they played Superhuman but hey I’m not complaining, it was a free show. I attended both of the Jay Leno Performances and let me just say that Jimmy blew Jay out of the water. For starters, the core audience were all VR fans which always adds to the atmosphere; some of them even brought signs and at least 30% of them were sporting a VR shirt.

All the guys were great. I don’t know that if it was because this was their last show until New Years or because they were feeding off the audience but they all did a phenomenal job. Scott sounded and looked amazing, Slash was having a great time, Duff made me wish I could have sneaked my camera in, Dave was plain wicked, and Matt was superb.

Throughout the show Anna Nicole was playing air drums. On a few occasions I turned around to see everyone’s reactions and they were all totally rocking out. There were even people on the roof of the building next door rocking their hearts out, I could see them waiving and moving to the music.

I only wish that I could have taken pictures, so I could share with everyone what I was witnessing. I’m so glad my boss totally kicks ass and allowed me to leave early.

After the show as Ravens mentioned we went off to get some grub at the Rainbow. While we were there the place was rocking to Superhuman, Set Me Free, Slither and LTA. And when we went upstairs on one of their collages I saw a picture of one of the Wiltern shows that captured part of my ghetto sign about LTA. Good times.

Thanks to In Utero: Wow was that alot of fun. The stage was set up right outside the El Capitan Theater where the show was taped inside. I arrived close to 7pm and my good friends Wendybird, Ravens & Clement were already in line which wasn't too long so I was relieved. There was a chain link fence surrounding the lot and stage and we waited there. You could see the whole stage, the lighting was really cool. The stage was in plain sight they were lucky to see the sound check but I was on Hollywood Blvd in traffic. Security checked our bags and we walked through metal detectors. I had no idea what to expect so I didn't leave my spot in the front row to go see who I could chat with.

There was a big screen behind the drum kit and that came on so I guessed the show was starting inside. Then the sound came over the P.A. system on stage. And there it was Jimmel Kimmel live being taped. Which was nice because we had to wait for the poker dude and Anna Nicole before they would tape VR. I really like Kimmel's band, which we could here their songs in their entirety when they stopped taping for a commercial.

Mary Weiland walked in beside us I said "Hi Mary" she looked at me surprised (like do I know.... I don't know you). Ha ha

So were watching Kimmel on the big screen and he says "next up Velvet Revovler!" we all start screaming outside, the commerical breaks, the doors to the theater open and out comes all these people. Camera men ect, then here comes all the audience that was in the studio. So it was cool to be waiting out there because we were up front and the studio audience went to the back. I looked back and there were a whole bunch of people up on top of a building behind us watching.

The band was behind the screen with their crew and family but you couldn't see what was going on.

So here comes Jimmy Kimmel and Anna Nicole. They sat in front of us on a couch. She got up and started talking to the crowd because they handed here the mic. She says all kinds of shit, jumps up and down and she said "the band Rocked" we were like she is a trip because obviously the band had not played yet. Then she pulled and fussed with her dress for a minute and pulled out her tit and covered it with part of the dress, which got a huge response.

Then the boys came out and we made a scene. I did my best I was whistling alot and jumping up and down rocking out. They were great, Scott looked great. He wasn't wearing the hat with the cross and the leather rock shit (I hope he stops wearing that outfit). He sounded great, Slash looked great. He was saying "Merry Christmas and all that shit" to us, I think he was lost for words. Perla was dancing like us on the side of the stage through the whole thing which I thought was great. I saw Anthony who stood by us alot of the time and Rocco who couldn't see us. All the same tecs were there, so if Charlie did the lighting he did an "incredible" job. Saw David Codikow briefly as he walked in. I waved at Dave Kushner alot who was right in front of us and smiled at us.

My only regret was that I'm pretty sure that I could have taken my cell phone and probably my camera in (I missed a very important call damit) I usually don't follow the rules and I do what I want, but I have never been to a taping so I didn't want to loose my spot in front by checking in my camera and phone if they would have made me check them in.

We decided to go eat at The Rainbow, we had pizza and salad. They played Velvet Revolver while we ate. First, "You Got No Right" then "Superhuman", "Set Me Free" and "Slither" we loved that.

It was a great time I would definately go to a Jimmy Kimmel taping again. He is cool and pretty frigging funny too.

Thanks to Ravens: We girls had a great time, got to see the sound check and chill before the show. The five songs were just for the fans - I'm curious to know which one(s) they aired, since I fell asleep right after I came home and missed it on TV -damn that show is on late! The band sounded good, the sound was good. Scott looked and sounded great last night -his voice was stronger than ever and he used different vocal stylings for certain passages in the songs.